ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Stuchlík

Pre-treatment of polyethylene terephthalate by Grignard reagents for high quality polypyrrole coatings and for altering the hydrophobicity 2403 2415
Michal Martinek, Sumita Swar, Veronika Zajícová, Lukáš Voleský, Lenka Blažková, Jana Müllerová, Martin Stuchlík, Michal Řezanka, and Ivan Stibor Vol. 71, 12
The Escherichia coli Strain with TcR Marker links to the Deletion of the Chromosomal ampС Gene 278 278
M. Vizváryová, S. Stuchlík, M. Mačor, J. Grones, and J. Turňa Vol. 52, SI
The Reconstruction of Escherichia coli sdhC Subunit of Succinate Dehydrogenase Operon by the Site Directed Mutagenes 279 279
S. Stuchlík, P. Čamaj, and J. Turňa Vol. 52, SI
Základy biologickej syntézy kvasničnej bielkoviny 579 595
V. Stuchlík Vol. 6, 9-10
Cane-sugar molasses and its utilization as a raw material in the yeast industry 145 157
V. Stuchlík, E. Píš, and Ľ. Pašteka Vol. 5, 3-4
Sorghum saccharatum and its use (in industrial production) 514 563
V. Stuchlík Vol. 4, 9-10

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