ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Skalova

Effect of Ivermectin on Induction of Cytochromes P450 in Male Rats 249 253
L. Skálová, B. Szotáková, M. Machala, J. Neča, J. Lamka, L. Ducháček, and E. Kvasničková Vol. 54, 4
Possible use of immobilized hepatocytes in metabolic studies of potential drugs 487 487
F. Trejtnar, V. Palicova, L. Skalova, B. Szotakova, V. Wsol, and E. Kvasnickova Vol. 52, SI
Chiral aspects of drug interactions with biological systems 556 556
V. Wsol, B. Szotakova, F. Trejtnar, L. Skalova, and E. Kvasnickova Vol. 52, SI
Biotransformation of potential cytostatic drug oracin 560 560
B. Szotakova, A. Sturmankinova, L. Skalova, V. Wsol, and E. Kvasnickova Vol. 52, SI
Enzymic transformations of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug flobufen 561 561
E. Kvasnickova, B. Szotakova, V. Wsol, Vf. Trejtnar, L. Skalova, Im. Hais, M. Kuchar, and M. Poppova Vol. 52, SI
Ivermectin and activity of cytochrome P450 562 563
B. Szotakova, L. Kridova, L. Skalova, V. Wsol, E. Kvasnickova, and J. Lamka Vol. 52, SI
Preliminary in vitro metabolism study of the potential drug veroxan 565 566
V. Wsol, L. Vilimova, L. Skalova, B. Szotakova, I. Helfert, O. Konigova, and M. Kuchar Vol. 52, SI
In vitro reduction of tertiary amines n-oxides 567 567
L. Skalova, L. Ulrichova, B. Szotakova, V. Wsol, M. Nobilis, and E. Kvasnickova Vol. 52, SI
AAS Determination of Total Mercury Content in Environmental Samples 273 275
M. Moskáľová and M.Žemberyová Vol. 51, 5
Determination of uranium using instrumental activation analysis in the biogeochemical study of metallogenic regions 745 749
P. Schiller and A. Skálová Vol. 29, 6

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