ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Márová

Removal of alkylphenols from industrial wastewater by means of ozone-based processes and fenton reaction 1851 1859
Oľga Čižmárová, Barbora Urminská, Ján Derco, Angelika Kassai, and Ronald Zakhar Vol. 76, 3
Determination of thiamine and pyridoxine in food supplements by a green ultrasensitive two-dimensional capillary electrophoresis hyphenated with mass spectrometry 6235 6245
Ivana Cizmarova, Michaela Matuskova, Ondrej Stefanik, Andrea Horniakova, Peter Mikus, and Juraj Piestansky Vol. 76, 10
The variability of carotenoid pigments and fatty acids produced by some yeasts within Sporidiobolales and Cystofilobasidiales 3353 3362
Iveta Kostovová, Dana Byrtusová, Marek Rapta, Vladimír Babák, and Ivana Márová Vol. 75, 7
Changes in lipid composition of apple surface layer during long-term storage in controlled atmosphere 940 948
Kateřina Duroňová, Ivana Márová, Milan Čertík, and Stanislav Obruča Vol. 66, 10
Physiologically Significant Carotenoids and their Common Food Sources in Czech Population 174 183
I. Márová, B. Slovák, H. Bílková J. Očenášková, and P. Čvančarová Vol. 53, 3
The influence of selected factors on the concentration of carotenoids in the human serum 442 443
I. Marova and J. Zahejsky Vol. 52, SI
Photoinduced Effects in Amorphous Chalcogenides 310 327
M. Frumar, Z. Polák, Z. Černošek, B. Frumarová, and T. Wágner Vol. 51, 6A
Effect of sodium sulfate on the fusibility of aluminum electrolytes 826 831
V. Delmárová and M. Malinovský Vol. 21, 11
Determination of microquantities of fluoride ions by titration 787 794
V. Delmárová, L. Machů, M. Malinovský, and A. Moncmanová Vol. 17, 10-11

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