ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Jaroslav Stejskal

Conducting polyaniline nanotubes with silver nanoparticles in the separation of thiocyanate from aqueous media 5121 5132
Sawsan Zaghlol, Mohamad Ayad, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 75, 10
Nitrogen-containing carbon enriched with tungsten atoms prepared by carbonization of polyaniline 5153 5161
Konstantin A. Milakin, Udit Acharya, Jiřina Hromádková, Miroslava Trchová, Jaroslav Stejskal, and Patrycja Bober Vol. 75, 10
Conducting polypyrrole-coated macroporous melamine sponges: a simple toy or an advanced material? 5035 5055
Jaroslav Stejskal, Irina Sapurina, Jarmila Vilčáková, Petr Humpolíček, Thanh Huong Truong, Mikhail A. Shishov, Miroslava Trchová, Dušan Kopecký, Zdeňka Kolská, Jan Prokeš, and Ivo Křivka Vol. 75, 10
Progress in research and applications of conducting polymers: topical issue 4979 4980
Jaroslav Stejskal and Patrycja Bober Vol. 75, 10
Conducting macroporous polyaniline/poly(vinyl alcohol) aerogels for the removal of chromium(VI) from aqueous media 3183 3193
Sawsan Zaghlol, Wael A. Amer, Mohamed H. Shaaban, Mohamad M. Ayad, Patrycja Bober, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 74, 9
Interaction of conducting polymers, polyaniline and polypyrrole, with organic dyes: polymer morphology control, dye adsorption and photocatalytic decomposition 1 54
Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 74, 1
Trends in science and applications of conducting polymers: topical issue 177 177
Jaroslav Stejskal and Patrycja Bober Vol. 71, 2
Conducting polymer hydrogels 269 291
Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 71, 2
Cytotoxicity of poly(p-phenylenediamine) 367 372
Zdenka Kuceková, Petra Rejmontová, Petr Humpolíček, Věra Kašpárková, Patrycja Bober, Petr Sáha, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 71, 2
Explosive hazards in polyaniline chemistry 387 392
Jaroslav Stejskal, Patrycja Bober, Miroslava Trchová, and Jan Prokeš Vol. 71, 2
Conducting polymers as sorbents of influenza viruses 495 503
Valeria T. Ivanova, Ekaterina O. Garina, Elena I. Burtseva, Elena S. Kirillova, Marina V. Ivanova, Jaroslav Stejskal, and Irina Yu. Sapurina Vol. 71, 2
Formation of bacterial and fungal biofilm on conducting polyaniline 505 512
Nikola Mikušová, Petr Humpolíček, Jan Růžička, Zdenka Capáková, Kristýna Janů, Věra Kašpárková, Patrycja Bober, Jaroslav Stejskal, Marek Koutný, Katerina Filatová, Marián Lehocký, and Petr Ponížil Vol. 71, 2
Coaxial conducting polymer nanotubes: polypyrrole nanotubes coated with polyaniline or poly(p-phenylenediamine) and products of their carbonisation 1341 1349
Jaroslav Stejskal, Irina Sapurina, Miroslava Trchová, Ivana Šeděnková, Jana Kovářová, Jitka Kopecká, and Jan Prokeš Vol. 69, 10
Recent trends and progress in research into structure and properties of polyaniline and polypyrrole — Topical Issue 769 770
Rudolf Holze and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Conducting polymer-silver composites 814 848
Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Influence of ethanol on the chain-ordering of carbonised polyaniline 919 932
Zuzana Morávková, Miroslava Trchová, Elena Tomšík, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Electrical transport properties of poly(aniline-co-p-phenylenediamine) and its composites with incorporated silver particles 1012 1019
Robert Moucka, Miroslav Mrlik, Marketa Ilcikova, Zdenko Spitalsky, Natalia Kazantseva, Patrycja Bober, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Bi-hybrid coatings: polyaniline-montmorillonite filler in organic-inorganic polymer matrix 1020 1027
Milena Špírková, Patrycja Bober, Jiří Kotek, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Multi-wall carbon nanotubes with nitrogen-containing carbon coating 1054 1065
Elena Tomšík, Zuzana Morávková, Jaroslav Stejskal, Miroslava Trchová, Petr Šálek, Jana Kovářová, Josef Zemek, Miroslav Cieslar, and Jan Prokeš Vol. 67, 8
Conducting polyaniline/multi-wall carbon nanotubes composite paints on low carbon steel for corrosion protection: electrochemical investigations 1072 1078
Pravin P. Deshpande, Sanket S. Vathare, Shashikant T. Vagge, Elena Tomšík, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Role of polyaniline morphology in Pd particles dispersion. Hydrogenation of alkynes in the presence of Pd-polyaniline catalysts 1087 1095
Robert Kosydar, Monika Goral, Alicja Drelinkiewicz, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Antibacterial properties of polyaniline-silver films 1103 1108
Zdenka Kucekova, Vera Kasparkova, Petr Humpolicek, Petra Sevcikova, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Effect of compression pressure on mechanical and electrical properties of polyaniline pellets 1109 1112
Helena Valentová, Jan Prokeš, Jan Nedbal, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 67, 8
Spectroscopy of thin polyaniline films deposited during chemical oxidation of aniline 415 445
Miroslava Trchová, Zuzana Morávková, Ivana Šeděnková, and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 66, 5
The role of acidity profile in the nanotubular growth of polyaniline 56 64
Elena N. Konyushenko, Miroslava Trchová, Jaroslav Stejskal, and Irina Sapurina Vol. 64, 1
Ternary composites of multi-wall carbon nanotubes, polyaniline, and noble-metal nanoparticles for potential applications in electrocatalysis 579 585
Irina Sapurina and Jaroslav Stejskal Vol. 63, 5
Reduction of silver nitrate by polyaniline nanotubes to produce silver-polyaniline composites 77 83
Jaroslav Stejskal, Miroslava Trchová, Libuše Brožová, and Jan Prokeš Vol. 63, 1
Polyaniline-coated cellulose fibers decorated with silver nanoparticles 181 186
Jaroslav Stejskal, Miroslava Trchová, Jana Kovářová, Jan Prokeš, and Mária Omastová Vol. 62, 2

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