ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Babor

60th Birthday of Ing. Ján Hirsch, DrSc. 374 374
K. Babor and the staff of the Editor’s Office Vol. 58, 5
50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 139 140
K. Babor Vol. 57, 2
Professor Pavel Hrnčiar 70 Years Old 59 59
K. Babor Vol. 54, 1
60 Years of Peter Pelikán 277 278
S. Biskupič, P. Šimon, and K. Babor Vol. 53, 4
In Memoriam Dr. Ing. Jaroslav Dykyj 713 713
K. Babor and V. Macho Vol. 52, 5
Characterization of Starch from Amaranthus cruentus L. 58 63
K. Babor, G. Halásová, L. Dodok, R. Géciová, and J. Lokaj Vol. 48, 1
Saccharide Constituents of Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) Seeds. 2. Isolation and Characterization of the Starch 196 198
Z. Hricovíniová and K. Babor Vol. 46, 3
Characterization of Starch from Marsh Mallow (Althaea  officinalis L.) 199 202
R. Géciová and K. Babor Vol. 46, 3
Structure of amylopectin .4. The alpha-amylase dextrins and the structure of amylopectin of sorghum starch 703 708
V. Kaláč, K. Babor, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 45, 5
Saccharide constituents of horse chestnut (Aesculus-hippocastanum L.) seeds. 1. Monosaccharides and their isolation 553 558
Z. Hricovíniová and K. Babor Vol. 45, 4
Highly substituted hydroxyethyl starch. II. Preparation and characterization of fractions from acid-hydrolyzed hydroxyethyl derivative of native starch 127 131
V. Kaláč, K. Babor, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 38, 1
Reactions of saccharides catalyzed by molybdate ions. XXXII. Efficient preparation of D-mannose and methyl α-D-mannoside 791 798
V. Bílik and K. Babor Vol. 37, 6
Determination of carboxyl groups in the starch oxidized by nitrogen dioxide 677 684
K. Tihlárik and K. Babor Vol. 37, 5
Isolation and determination of maltooligosaccharides 524 529
V. Bílik, J. Zemek, K. Babor, R. Sandtnerová, and J. Kozák Vol. 34, 4
Preparation and fractionation of highly substituted hydroxyethyl derivative of acid-hydrolyzed potato starch 228 233
V. Kaláč, K. Babor, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 34, 2
Starch dialdehyde. V. Indirect determination of the degree of oxidation by a hydrazone method 129 135
K. Tihlárik, V. Kaláč, and K. Babor Vol. 34, 1
Structure of amylopectin. III. α-Amylase macrodextrin of some barley starches 559 564
V. Kaláč, K. Babor, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 32, 4
Starch dialdehyde. IV. Changes during storage and methods of determination 682 692
K. Tihlárik, Š. Batáryová, K. Babor, and V. Kaláč Vol. 30, 5
Structure of amylopectin. II. α-Amylase macrodextrin from wheat and maize starch 110 113
K. Babor, V. Kaláč, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 29, 1
Periodate oxidation of saccharides. III. Comparison of the methods for determining the consumption of sodium periodate and the amount of formic acid formed 676 680
K. Babor, V. Kaláč, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 27, 5
Separation of the Racemate of Mandelic Acid by Electrophoresis on the Starch Block 60 62
V. Kaláč, K. Babor, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 26, 1
Polysaccharides of Wood-destroying Fungus Fomes fomentarius Extracted with Water 454 461
A. Kardošová, K. Babor, J. Rosík, and J. Kubala Vol. 23, 6
Polysaccharides of wood-destroying fungi Polyporus squamosus and Phellinus igniarius 462 468
A. Kardošová, K. Babor, J. Rosík, and J. Kubala Vol. 23, 6
The Kinetics of Retrogradation of Amylose 134 138
K. Babor and Vladimír Kaláč Vol. 23, 2
Structure of amylopectin. I. Preparation and structure of α-amylase macrodextrin 321 326
K. Babor, V. Kalač, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 22, 5
Periodate oxidation of saccharides. II. Oxidation of maltose and determination of total formic acid 595 599
K. Babor, V. Kaláč, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 20, 8
Periodate oxidation of saccharides. I. Iodometric determination of small quantities of formic acid with the use of amperometric indicators 913 917
K. Babor, V. Kaláč, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 18, 12
The preparation of antiarrhythmic compounds 554 557
P. Šefčovič, K. Babor, and V. Kaláč Vol. 15, 8
The synthesis of some derivatives of alkaloids. XX 721 724
K. Babor, I. Ježo, V. Kaláč, M. Karvaš, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 15, 10
Preparation of antiarrhythmic compounds. II 725 729
P. Šefčovič, K. Babor, V. Kaláč, and L. Dúbravková Vol. 15, 10
Synthesis of some derivatives of alkaloids. XVIII 679 689
K. Babor, I. Ježo, V. Kaláč, M. Karvaš, and K. Tihlárik Vol. 14, 10
Synthesis of some derivatives of alkaloids. XVI 163 169
K. Babor, I. Ježo, V. Kaláč, and M. Karvaš Vol. 13, 3
Synthesis of some derivatives of alkaloids. II 53 62
K. Babor, L. Dúbravková, I. Ježo, and P. Šefčovič Vol. 8, 2-3
Synthesis of some derivatives of alkaloids 14 17
K. Babor, I. Ježo, and D. Rybár Vol. 8, 1
Synthesis of galegine 18 21
K. Babor and I. Ježo Vol. 8, 1
Synthesis of dl-11-methoxycanadine 457 461
K. Babor, O. Bauerová, and I. Ježo Vol. 7, 8
4-Methyl-1-diethylcarbamylpiperazine 353 356
I. Ježo, K. Babor, and F. Selecký Vol. 6, 7-8
Preparation of alkyl- and arylureas 273 276
I. Ježo, K. Babor, and Z. Votický Vol. 6, 5-6
Phenylacetylcarbinol. II 277 280
I. Ježo, K. Babor, and Š. Bauer Vol. 6, 5-6
 Príspevok k štúdiu fenylacetylkarbinolu 1.časť 185 190
I. Ježo, K. Babor, and Š. Bauer Vol. 6, 3-4
Polarographic determination of substituted phenyl methyl ketones 470 475
I. Ježo and K. Babor Vol. 5, 8

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