ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Phase diagram of the Li3AlF6-CaF2 system
M. Malinovský and J. Vrbenská
Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Abstract: A phase diagram of Li3AlF6-CaF2 was constructed for the concn. range 0 to 60.0 mole % CaF2 by using thermal and x-ray phase analyses. This is a simple eutectic system with the eutectic point at 56.5 mole % Li3AlF6 and 43.5 mole % CaF2 and m.p. 703°. A liquidus of the system was calcd. according to the Temkin ideal soln. model and according to the Schroeder-LeChatelier equation. The compn. of the eutectic point of the binary system Li3AlF6-CaF , calcd. according to the Temkin model (55.0 mole % Li3AlF6) compares favorably with the exptl. results. The calcd. value of the eutectic temp. of crystn. is 635°.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 2111a806.pdf (in German)
Chemical Papers 21 (11) 806–817 (1967)