ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Thermodynamic proof of the existence of compounds in the
phase diagrams of systems without solid solutions.
II. The systems MF—AlF3 (M = Li, Na, K)
J. Vrbenská and M. Malinovský
Department of Electrotechnology, Slovak Technical University,
880 19 Bratislava
Abstract: Application of the Le Chatelier-Shreder equation to the anal. of coordinates of the eutectic point on the liquidus curve of Li, Na, and K hexafluoroaluminate in the subsystems M3AlF3-AlF3 was used to prove the presence of compds. LiAlF4, NaAlF4, and KAlF4, resp., in these systems. Further, the existence of a chem. compd. in the system KF-AlF3 in the compn. range 75-55 mol% KF is predicted. On the other hand, the possibility of the existence of compds. of the type Li5Al3F14 or Li3Al2F9 in the system LiF-AlF3 was disproved.
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Chemical Papers 35 (6) 747–756 (1981)