ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Electrolytic metal-coating in molten-salts
K. Matiašovský, P. Fellner, M. Chrenková-Paučírová, Ž. Lubyová, and A. Silný
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Centre for Chemical Research,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-84236 Bratislava
Abstract: Electrolytic coating of metals appears to be a promising field of exploitation of molten salts and is gaining a steadily increasing interest in the surface
technology, namely in the anticorrosive protection and surface hardening of
various metallic substrates. The main advantages of the electrolytic metal
coating in molten salts in comparison with the conventional methods are
simultaneously the high rate and the possibility of an exact regulation of the
coating process.
Based on the characteristic features of the electrodeposition, the reviewed
processes were divided into four groups:
(i) Coating by low-melting heavy metals
(ii) Aluminium-plating
(iii) Coating by refractory metals
(iv) Formation of diffusion coatings
For each group, the problems involved are demonstrated in detail for one
typical metal or element whilst the plating processes by other metals of the
respective group only are concisely surveyed.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 414a527.pdf
Chemical Papers 41 (4) 527–565 (1987)