ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Preparation and characterisation of hydrotalcites colloid dispersions suitable for deacidification of paper information carriers
Jana Jurišová, Vladimír Danielik, Soňa Malečková, Eva Guzikiewiczová, Milan Králik, Katarína Vizárová, Marta Ambrová, and Pavel Fellner
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Technology and Materials, Department of Inorganic Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail: jana.jurisova@stuba.sk
Received: 14 April 2023 Accepted: 6 November 2023
Abstract: Hydrotalcite samples were prepared in the form of powder and/or sol under different conditions and characterised by various techniques. A suitable system of liquid carriers consisting of perfluoroheptane, isopropanol, and water (PFH-IPA-H2O) was chosen to apply HTlcs as deacidifying agents on paper. The areas of miscibility and immiscibility in the PFH-IPA-H2O system were determined at a temperature of 25 °C. The properties of HTlcs dispersed in the prepared solvent were measured. The size of the particles was determined by optical microscopy with image analysis. The average particle size ranges from 1 µm to 2 µm. The settling speed of particles in the prepared colloidal systems was monitored using turbidimetry. Sols in the mixture of solvents had uniformly dispersed particles that settled slowly. The effect of the prepared colloidal HTlcs dispersions on the properties of the paper, specifically the pH of its surface, was also tested. Hydrotalcites in the form of a sol with a ratio of magnesium to aluminium of 5:1 were found to be promising candidates for deacidification. The use of surfactant additives in the preparation of HTlcs did not positively affect the properties of the paper.
Keywords: HTlcs; PFH-IPA-H2O phase diagram; Acidic paper; Deacidification
Full paper is available at www.springerlink.com.
DOI: 10.1007/s11696-023-03200-9
Chemical Papers 78 (3) 1719–1730 (2024)