ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Volume 22, Number 3 / 1968, Pages 161 – 240

The influence of invert sugar on the solubility of sucrose 161 167
A. Smelík, J. Vašátko, and J. Študnický
The relative volatility in the system p-xylene-m-xylene-solvent 168 173
J. Heinrich and J. Surový
A new fluorimetric method for determination of submicrogram amounts of cholinesterase inhibitors 184 189
J. Matoušek, J. Fischer, and J. Cerman
Aminolysis of sucrose. XII. Reaction of sucrose with aqueous solutions of glycinamide at elevated temperatures 190 197
I. Ježo and I. Lužák
Hemicelluloses from twigs of the white willow (Salix alba). III. Wood xylans 198 205
P. Kováč, F. Rendoš, G. N. Pershina, and E. Pavlovová
Reactivity of alcohols with ethylene oxide 206 213
M. Hrušovský
The dependence of formation of 1,2,3,3-tetrachlorobutane on the quantity of catalyst and temperature in chlorination of 1,3-dichloro-2-butene 214 219
J. Vojtko and M. Hrušovský
Furan derivatives. VIII. Azomethines of 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde with 5-aminobenzimidazoles 220 224
R. Kada, A. Jurášek, L. Ebringer, and T. Sticzay
On furan derivatives. IX. 5-Substituted furfuryl idenaminoethyl derivatives of furan 225 229
P. Krkoška and J. Kováč
On furan derivatives. X. Separation of nitrofuran derivatives by thin-layer chromatography 230 232
E. Komanová, J. Kováč, and A. Kurtošíková

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